Monday, January 27, 2020

DNA Full Form, What is DNA?

DNA full form Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Deoxyribonucleic acid- is the most important molecule for the whole living world. Genes are located in this molecule. They make you, you. They are made from nitrogenous bases. There are 5 types of nitrogenous bases- adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine and uracil. Uracil is only nitrogenous base that isn't located in DNA. It's located in RNA- ribonucleic acid- but RNA doesn't have thymine, so it's replaced by uracil. Three nitrogenous bases in a row make 1 gene and when gene is read by ribosome, ribosome synthesizes correct amino acid that serves as "building block" for cell. DNA is double helix and every nitrogenous base has to have its pair so adenine binds with thymine or uracil and guanine binds with cytosine and they form DNA molecule, molecule that is responsible for inheritance.

DNA is a Biomolecule like Protein, lipid (Fat) or Carbohydrates, etc. The full Name of DNA is Deoxy Ribo Nucleic Acid (Chemistry!). But this molecule is bit special than other, unlike protein, fat etc, by nature it can store “information”. If you think of piano class then you must need a notation book to store all the lyrics and notation to play it correctly next time. DNA is a notation book for a cell, tissue or organism. It holds all the information which makes you “you” and makes me “me”.
In our world (earth) almost all the living organism have DNA in it and these all DNA have common composition of A (adenine), G (guanine), C(Cytosine) and T(Thymine); amazing right? Then what’s makes you different form bacteria? Well the combination of these 4 “Bases” which present in DNA make the difference same way as the composition of two different note (“do re mi fa sol” or it can be “mi fa do re fa”). How that happens? Hmm.. That’s a long and very interesting story of all of us.
DNA Sequencing is a chemical/ mechanical method or reading these strings of information and DE-code the same to know the hidden message within. As I told DNA is the core of us so if you want to know why I am getting sick so many times more than my neighborhood boy you may compare my DNA Sequence with his and might get some useful information which ultimately explain my sickness. Or if one day a girl come up form no-ware and tell you she is actually you sis lost 10 years back in woods! Then don’t get panic just compare your DNA with hers by sequencing and if she is true then you both have very similar DNA information which also shared by your parents.

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