Monday, May 11, 2020

VIP Full Form, What is VIP?

VIP full form Very Important Person.

Very Important Person (VIP) is a person who is accorded special privileges due to his or her status or importance.
Some example of VIP- Bill gates, Mark Jugerbarg, Donald Trump, Narendra modi

If we look at generally, VIP is used in many other context as well. Some of them are listed below for everyone’s reference.
1.      Very Important Person
2.      Volunteers in Parks
3.      Very Important Papers
4.      Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
5.      Variation in Production (music)
6.      Vacuum Infusion Process (boat construction)
7.      Very Important Part
8.      Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide
9.      Video Over IP
10. Value in Purchasing (various organizations)
11. Verification IP
12. Vision International People Group (est. 1996)
13. Vision Impaired People (various locations)
14. Virtus Pro
15. Very Important Paws (Florida)
16. Virtual Internet Protocol (IETF)
17. Visual Information Processor
18. Video Information Player
19. Video Player
20. Vauxhall Internet Price
21. Visual Interdev Project
22. Virtual Instance Port
23. Video Interface Port
24. Very Important Product
25. Vertically Integrated Portal
26. Virtual Ip
27. Video Image Processor
28. Versatile Interface Processor
29. Verisign Identity Protection
30. Voice Initialize All Parameters
31. Vines Internet Protocol
32. Video Image Printing
33. Vendor Integration Protocol
34. Visualising Interactive Processing
35. Vehicle Intrusion Protection
36. Visual Programming
37. Volunteers in Policing
38. Versatile Interface Processor (Cisco)
39. Very Important Pet
40. Violence Intervention Program
41. Veterans Independence Program (Canada)
42. Variable Insurance Products
43. Very Interesting Person
44. Very Inspirational Person
45. Visually Impaired Person
46. Very Irritating Person
47. Verification Intellectual Property
48. Vacuum Insulated Pipe
49. Volunteer Incentive Program
50. Verified Identity Pass (biometric security screening product by Verified Identity Pass, Inc.)
51. Vendor Information Pages
52. Very Important Princess
53. Very Impatient Person
54. Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine
55. Violence Intervention and Prevention (Institute)
56. Vehicle Inspection Program
57. Very Intelligent Person
58. Value in Partnership
59. Ventral Intraparietal
60. Vision in Preschoolers (study)
61. Very Important Parent
62. Visual Immunoprecipitate (assay)
63. Victims' Impact Panel (Oklahoma and Tennessee)
64. Vallery Irons Protection
65. Virtual Interrupt Pending
66. Video Interface Port (computer video card overlay interface)
67. Veterans Information Portal
68. Voting Integrity Project
69. Vienna International Planespotters
70. Video Information Provider
71. Variable Information Processing
72. Virginia Inland Port
73. Volunteers in Probation
74. Virginia Investment Partnership
75. Venture Initiation Program (Wharton Business School)
76. Very Impressive Person
77. Virginia Independence Program
78. Volunteer Initiative Program
79. Vertically Installed Planar
80. Video Input Processor
81. Visually Integrated Phone
82. Very Impossible Person
83. Vines Internet Protocol (Banyan)
84. Visual Identity Program
85. Verde Island Passage (Philippines)
86. Voluntary Investment Program
87. Validity Indicator Profile
88. Very Important Presentation
89. Vanpool Incentive Program
90. Virtual Internet Provider
91. Verified Independently for Performance (Graybar)
92. Vehicle Intrusion Program (Toyota)
93. Volunteers in Psychotherapy
94. Vendor Information Program
95. Visual Information Projection
96. Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy
97. Voter Integrity Party
98. Visual Interaction Platform
99. Vacation Investment Properties

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